February came around far too quickly and
now we’re in March… what?! 2017 is flying by already. I’m glad we’re getting
into the year a little bit though, I feel like the financial repercussions of
Christmas and sales shopping is finally coming to an end! Anyway, I thought it
might be nice to do a little round up at the end of each month, a reflection of
what’s gone on and goals for the next month.
Well, for starters I ‘officially’ launched
my blog, which was an absolutely terrifying thing for me to do. It took a lot
of confidence, but I’m so glad I did. I’ve been updating it with one
post per week, however, I might consider increasing this to two, purely because
I’m enjoying it so much and have a boat load of posts lined up (typical
organised me). I also re-vamped my Pinterest and started completely afresh, so
give it a follow here!
February saw me continue my cooking frenzy
and I’m so pleased with myself for embracing my newfound
passion. I added a bit of baking into the mix too, so some fabulous healthy and
non-healthy treats were whipped up. Can we all just take a minute to remember
the crème egg scotch eggs and the healthy millionaires shortbread (recipe can
be found here).
Among my food obsessions I finally found
time to do a little retail therapy (admittedly mostly whilst sat on my sofa in
my joggers…) and found another new love – Matalan. People scoff when I say this
and that used to be me, but their prices are crazy cheap and their clothes are
actually nice when you look! Their homeware section is also super nice and
super nice to your bank balance too. These two buys were both from Matalan, you can
find the bag here and the top here.
The past month has made me appreciate a lot
of the little things in life a hell of a lot more than I used to. It’s also
made me realise certain things that I need to change in my life to create a
happier work-life balance. I intend to work on this throughout the coming
So what’s in store for March? A hell of a
lot of working (what’s new there?) but luckily this is balanced out with a
couple of trips home and seeing family for my sister’s birthday and Mothers
Day. One of my goals for 2017 was to wrap gifts better – I know this sounds so
silly, but I see all these people wrapping gifts so beautifully that I decided
this is the year I’m going to put the effort in – so this month is my first