

Today I received my Happiness Planner in the post. I had one of these last year and once I got my promotion and got busier with work I neglected it a bit. At the beginning of this year I picked it back up and committed myself to writing in it every day and at least attempting to monitor and maintain my happiness. I know this sounds like a weird thing to say, to ‘monitor and maintain my happiness’ but it really does help.

I have a lot of stress with my job, some of it is probably down to me taking things too personally or whatever, but this is the entire point of The Happiness Planner, it monitors your daily life, kind of like a diary, minus the cringe-worthy ‘Dear Diary’ stuff. 

Every week has a planner at the beginning, so you can see exactly what you’re doing, then the week is split into seven days, each of which breaks down your day into the following sections:

-       What I’m Excited About Today
-       Todays Main Focus
-       Exercises
-       Meals
-       Schedule
-       To Do List
-       Good Things About Today
-       What I Hope For Tomorrow

The best thing about the planner is that it really makes you appreciate the little things in life. Some days you feel stuck for something to put down to be excited about or a good thing that’s happened, but then you think, ‘I had a great time cooking a meal with Brad today’ or ‘I really needed that catch up with the girls’ and you feel so much happier, even when you haven’t had a thrilling day.

Obviously, you could easily make one of these yourself, and I wouldn’t blame you. It RRPs at around £20-£40, depending where you buy it and which version of the planner you buy (there’s a 100 day planner and a 52 week planner). Personally, I like to buy the planner, its cute and comes in various different colours, I started with the lilac one and now have the navy one, both of which are the 100 day planners. I like to feel structured and organised, whereas if I made one myself I know I wouldn’t stick to it.

This isn’t an ad, this is just a genuine review of a product that I absolutely love. I’d recommend this to anyone trying to focus on the positive aspects of life.

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