The house move is almost complete, but the house is no where near finished, which isn't a bad thing I suppose. Its a lil project for Brad and I to finish ourselves and I'm so excited to see how it turns out, no matter how long its gonna take. At the minute we have a million and one projects on the go and just keep getting bits done where we can. The current project is the garden - we spent an afternoon digging it up and making countless trips to Tesco for more slate to put down, all ready for a housewarming barbecue (we just need to buy the barbecue...). But alas, we're half way through it, we need more slate, we need more wood for the border and we need somewhere to dump all the dirt we dug up... but I'm sure we'll get there.
In the midst of moving house, Brad and I had two weddings to film over the weekend, so that interrupted everything, but boy, did it make me realise how much I bloody love being a wedding videographer! I don't talk about this part of my life much, mostly because I didn't really think of myself as a wedding videographer to begin with, but with weddings coming every month, sometimes multiples, like this weekend, its becoming a regular occurrence in my life now and I'm loving it.
Before this, I'd been to very few weddings, but now, I've been to five alone this year and only one of them I was actually a guest!
The past week I've been off work, I booked the time off to help with sorting the house and we've got a lot done to be fair, but its fallen so nicely that I basically have two weeks off, after going in a couple of days on my week off and my birthday looming this week, so my sleeping pattern has been normal for once in the past four years. I'm waking up naturally at 8am and getting the most out of the day and it feels fantastic! There's a part of me thats dreading going back to work purely because my sleeping pattern will soon be messed up again (especially come September when Freshers starts) and I don't feel like I'll be as motivated, but we'll have to see. I decided to sign back up to the gym and get a personal trainer. I've felt like crap for the past year or more and I feel like if I don't do something about it now, I never will. I'm hoping this will motivate me to get up and go, go to the gym, go for a run, make myself feel good and love what I see in the mirror.