
Recipe: Valentines Bark

I'll be the first to say it: I'm not a Valentines kinda gal at all. I don't buy into the whole thing, but I thought I would mark the occasion this year with a lil Valentines bake because of course I needed another reason to bake something horribly unhealthy, didn't I? *no one tell my PT, plz... lets hope she doesn't see this, I'm eating well otherwise, I promise!*

This is less of a bake and more of just a... well, make, really, if thats a thing? Its super simple, takes two minutes and tastes so good.

400g white chocolate
Red food colouring (and a toothpick)
One bag of jelly lovehearts (I actually ended up using jelly strawberries because I couldn't get lovehearts anywhere!)
A handful of mini marshmallows


1. Line a small baking tray with baking parchment and leave to one side.

2. Melt all the chocolate in one go. You can either do this in the microwave or over the hob, but I chose the microwave as its quicker and I'm super impatient - just check it regularly to ensure it isn't burning!

3. Once the chocolate is completely melted, pour it into the baking tray. Dip your toothpick into the food colouring and drag it randomly through the melted chocolate, making swirly patterns.

4. Drop in your marshmallows and jellies at random and dash your sprinkles on top.

5. Leave in the fridge to set for around two hours. Once it is set, lift out and smash into pieces - don't cut it neatly. Then, enjoy!


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