
Marriage, babies and other grown up things...

I seem to be at that age where everyone I know or used to know are getting married or pregnant and I’m not sure how I feel about that. Granted, I turn twenty-three next month, so I’m not exactly sixteen anymore but it still baffles me how people are at these steps already!

Perhaps these people don’t realise they’re at these milestones until they happen… I never predicted at the age of twenty-two I’d own my own home and be living with my boyfriend and our little dog, but look at me now. I’m doing exactly that.
So with seeing so many engagements, marriages and babies recently, its had me thinking a little more about these milestones in life. To some people, I’m that person who they look at and think ‘I can’t imagine doing that just yet!’, to others, I’m not. To me I’m not.

Marriage is a weird one. I always swore I would never get married after my parents’ divorce, I didn’t see the point. Everyone told me I would do, as soon as I met the right person then I’d know and I’d want to put a ring on it, and I proceeded to tell them how ridiculous they were being.
Now I’m older and I’ve met someone and we’re buying a house together, maybe things will turn out differently to what I initially thought… But regardless, weddings are something I have come to love. I haven’t been to many, I especially haven’t been to many where I’m there for the entire day, so the few that I have been to have been special. As well as attending weddings a guest (the best way), I’ve obviously been attending a lot of them as a videographer. Sharing memories with people I don’t even know is different but also pretty nice. I’ve never met half these people before but I get to witness them on the best day of their lives, with all their family and friends surrounding them and being the happiest they’ve ever been. Tell me there isn’t something better than that?

Babies are a whole different bag. Children and I don’t mix. I don’t understand them, I’ve never been around them and they make me feel awkward, so this a milestone I don’t see happening in the near future at any point whatsoever, not even in the far future. If that’s your bag then happy days, you go for it gal and I wish you the best, but I can barely afford to feed myself half the time, so how could I feed a child. Much like weddings, I’ve met a lot more babies recently than I ever have done (obvs, because I’m at that age where everyone’s having them) and I’ll admit I’m not quite as terrified of them as I once was, but I’m still not into them. They’re cute when they’re quiet and not crying but the second they learn to chat back or don’t get their own way, you can count me out.

Dogs and houses – much more my bag. Throw some of them at me any day. That’s about as grown up as I can handle right now and even that’s proving difficult – who knew it was so hard to find the right sofa? 

Sometimes I look at these people and think, why aren't I at that milestone yet? But then I take a step back and look at my life. I'm twenty-two, I have a salaried job, I own a beautiful home, I moved away from home and to one of my favourite ever cities, I have an incredible boyfriend and the sweetest pup a gal could ask for. So it isn't all bad, and I need to keep reminding myself of that. Everything works out eventually. 

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