
Monthly Review: August

Can you believe its September already?! This year is literally passing in the blink of an eye and I'm not sure how I feel about that. Before we know it it'll be Christmas - not that thats a bad thing given it's literally the best time of the year - but I already feel behind on my Christmas shopping... I know its only September but I'm a prepared kinda gal. I like to be done by October ideally. Anyway! August, what a month you were...

I reevaluated my blog 
So yeah, I had a mini blog-breakdown and wondered what the point was and what my niche was before I realised that there was none, unless I feng shui-ed it completely. So its early days but thats exactly what I've done. I'm a lot more home and interior focused as thats where my passion lies most.

I turned 23
Yeah, okay, it isn't exactly old but I bloody well feel it. I think working in nightclubs does this to you, I've worked probably the same amount of hours as someone who's retired and had as much sleep as a new-born's mother but whatever, I'll just sit here in my 23 year old body feeling approx. 40.

I had my first pedicure
Yes, I'm 23 and never had a pedicure! But my God, will I have having another. What heavenly goodness was that?!

I got a Personal Trainer
I haven't been happy with my body for a while now, so I thought, what better way to sort it out than to get a Personal Trainer?! I've had a few sessions and they're so great. I already feel better and so much more motivated to go to the gym. I'm excited to see how my body changes.

We focused on the house 
Yet another month of being completely and utterly poor but its so worth it when you get to see the end results and knowing its all ours. I've also managed to stumble across some gorgeous homeware Instas and websites in the process. Below are some of my favourite buys this month.


Frames - Ikea

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