
Monthly Review: May

May was a whirlwind of a month, not only for myself but for the world it would seem. Firstly, I want to express my complete sorrow and love for everyone involved in and affected by the recent attacks going on throughout England and the world as a whole. I want to do something to help in some way, its difficult because realistically what can I do? So I registered as a blood donor. I'm already a registered organ donor, but I've always been funny about blood, although I may not directly be helping people affected in these circumstances, I'm giving my part back to anyone who may need it.

So, what went on in May for me?

We went to Paris
For those of you that haven't already seen, Brad and I took a trip away to Paris for a few days. We both 100% needed it, to get away from work and all the hectic goings on of the move at the moment. I've been to Paris a couple of times, but this was one of the best. Check out my post about all the tips and tricks when visiting Paris!

We booked a holiday
Granted, its for next year, and for a wedding, but I'm crazy excited! Two of our friends are getting married in Greece so we decided to take a week out and enjoy the sun, finishing it up with the beautiful wedding of our friends. Bring on May 2018!

I changed my hair... 
...and then changed it back. I thought it would be a fantastic idea to attempt to save some money and do my hair myself, and to begin with I was pretty happy. I went for a brunette with copper ombre look and I got so many compliments on it, I was loving it! Anyway, I don't know what happened but it faded pretty quick and then I hated it. I just didn't feel like me, so I took the plunge and pushed my hair to it's limits by taking it back to how it was. Now, I'm in the process of nursing it back to health and nourishing it like its never been nourished before! 

We shot our second wedding
Yes, Bailey Wedding Films is getting going and we shot our second wedding of the year. Yet again, another beautiful day (thankfully!) for filming and another beautiful wedding. I'm so excited for this business and having my part in it, I can't wait to see it flourish and become something Brad and I can be really proud of. 

Something exciting got it's wheels in motion too, but I'm not sure when I'll let on about that - you'll have to keep reading and see! 

Now then June, what do you have in store for me?


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